5 ways hobbies help prevent burnout

Hey there, fellow busy folks and high achievers! Are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, lately? Is burnout knocking on your door, threatening to turn your work-life balance into a ball of stress? Have you started to feel dread and a lack of joy in your life? You aren’t alone. Fear not, because I've got a secret weapon that'll have you bouncing back like a champ: hobbies!


Now, before you roll your eyes and think, "Who has time for hobbies?" Hear me out. Hobbies aren't just frivolous distractions; they're your golden ticket to maintaining your sanity and reclaiming your joy for life. So, grab your favorite mug of something warm, cozy up, and let's dive into why hobbies are one of my fave tools when it comes to preventing burnout.

Escape the Grind:

Picture this: You've been putting in the hours away at work, your brain feels like mush, and you're one email away from a meltdown. Enter hobbies, stage left. Whether it's painting, gardening, or jamming on your guitar, hobbies provide a sweet escape from the daily grind. They whisk you away to a world where deadlines don't exist, and creativity reigns supreme. Trust me; your brain will thank you for the break.

Why is this important? We are more than our job. (we may need to repeat that a few times). Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my job. I love working, seeing clients, meeting goals, and having success. But I am more than my job. I have hobbies and parts of my identity outside of work. When I learn TOO far into work for long periods of time, those other parts can get lost and I feel an imbalance. I need to embrace my creativity. I need to escape into a good book. I need to try new things. I need to explore new places. Because those parts of my identity matter just as much as my job title.


Can Help Us Relax:

Feeling like you're about to spontaneously combust from stress? Are your shoulders constantly sore and tense? Say hello to your stress-releasing sidekick: hobbies. Engaging in activities you love triggers a beautiful thing called the relaxation response. It's like your body's way of saying, "Hey, we got this, we are safe right now." So, whether you're kneading dough like a bread boss (or my cat) or solving puzzles, hobbies help melt away stress and help us feel at ease.

Quick side note: This can take time for us to get used to the relaxed or calm feeling. For those of us used to being in stress or chaos mode all the time, the feeling of rest can feel strange at first. This doesn’t mean you are doing hobbies wrong or that something is wrong with you. It can take a bit for our brains to rewire and get used to the new patterns. So keep trying, even if in small doses, and over time, it will be easier and a quicker response to feeling rested!


Fuel Your Passion:

Remember when you used to get excited about something other than your to-do list or your job? Yeah, me too, and I really love a to-do list. That's where hobbies swoop in, though! They reignite that spark of passion that might've gotten buried under mountains of paperwork and endless meetings over the years. Whether it's rediscovering your love for photography or finally mastering that tricky yoga pose, hobbies remind you of what makes your heart sing.

This is so good for our soul. To have something outside of our jobs to enjoy helps give us a purpose beyond our work. It helps us tap into other parts of our identity, our other strengths, skills, and interests. For other achievement based folks, this may be tricky because we are so used to getting our worth from getting good grades, getting praise from our bosses, and getting promotions. There is more to life than that though. We are more than our job. We can have other identities besides our occupation. We can talk about things other than our job. We can connect with others over shared interests that have nothing to do with our day to day work!


Connect and Unwind:

Let's face it; life can get pretty lonely when you're buried in work. But fear not, because hobbies can be the magnet that bring people together. They give you an opportunity to connect with like-minded folks who share your interests. Whether you're swapping gardening tips with your neighbor or bonding over your latest knitting project in an online community, hobbies provide a sense of belonging that's essential for your well-being.

We are creatures made for connection. And while some of us have coworkers or people we see daily at work, those might not be the soul friends you need. Having people who enjoy similar things that you do, who can lift you up, push each other, or escape from the real world for a minute can be so rewarding. My life changed for the better when I got back into reading after a loooong hiatus after grad school. I met an online book club and felt so connected. I resparked my love of reading and get to share my thoughts, feelings, and experiences with some amazing people!


Balance is Key:

Repeat after me: balance is not just a myth whispered about in hushed tones; it's totally achievable. And guess what? Hobbies are your trusty sidekick on the quest for work-life balance. By carving out time for activities that bring you joy, you're saying "peace out" to burnout and "hello, happiness!" to a more balanced life.

I talk a lot about how the word balance can be misused or misunderstood but I really believe it is possible. It doesn’t mean everything is 50/50 all the time, though. Balance means leaning into areas that need it when appropriate. Sometimes, I have to lean into work. But if I stay leaned in that world for too long, I fall. I get burned out. I get drained. I need to lean into my hobbies and fun to enjoy life to get back to a balance. It ebbs and flows but having hobbies and joy is so helpful for maintaining a healthy balance and overall wellness.


So, there you have it, folks. The not-so-secret secret to preventing burnout and living your best life: hobbies! Whether you're painting, gardening, or chasing butterflies in the park, make time for the things that make your soul happy. Your mental health will thank you, your productivity will thank you, and most importantly, you'll thank yourself. Now, go forth and hobby like you've never hobby-ed before!


Until next time, take care of yourself!

Alicia Johnson, LMFT

Alicia is a therapist who specializes in burnout and work-life balance. She provides online therapy to women across Michgan, South Dakota, Delaware, Florida, Oklahoma, and South Carolina. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hiking, going thrifting, and cuddling with her cat.


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